Claritas has partnered with MIT’s authors Rex Briggs and Caleb Briggs to bring you an AI training course on the fundamentals of AI. This special training webinar includes 10 hands on exercises as well as explanations drawn from the authors’ upcoming book, The AI Conundrum, which MIT will ship in August. Each registrant will receive an electronic copy of the book before the event and a hard copy of the book in August, complements of Claritas.
Claritas has greatly expanded our use of AI inside our organization and within our products, and we brought this training to our entire team and we want you to have the same access to this useful content.
Please fill out this form if you’re interested in spending an hour a day with us to learn how to effectively leverage AI for your marketing and business strategies.
AI Brunch & Learn Series Training Schedule:
-The week of November 6 through 10th
-12pm Eastern / 9am Pacific and ending at 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific each day.
AI Fundamentals: Training & Hands On Exercises
Facilitators: Rex Briggs and Caleb Briggs, based on their upcoming MIT book, The AI Conundrum
Session Length: 60 minutes
Artificial intelligence is growing in importance both for businesses and society. The goal of this course is to level-up your knowledge of how AI works.
If you’d like to know more about this course:
-Here is a video of the first 15 minutes of the content.
-Here is a 12 question Self-assessment of your AI knowledge.
-Here is an advance e-copy of Part 1 of the book (the reading is encouraged, but optional).
To read more about the training, why MIT is publishing the book, the trainers, or the content and exercises, please visit this page.
Complete the form below to Sign-up: