Is your marketing investment really paying off?


On the latest episode of The Why Behind The Buy, a podcast for marketers focused on finding and targeting their ideal customers at scale, Mark King of Conversion Alliance, Bob Smolik of Tribune Publishing and Jeff Bickel of Claritas provide detailed insights into best practices that allow marketers to more accurately analyze the effectiveness of their multichannel marketing campaigns. 


Fill out the form below to access the podcast episode and a free copy of our whitepaper.



What will you learn on this episode of The Why Behind The Buy?
  • How to reach you ideal audiences across the channels they engage with, at the right time
  • The best ways to monitor and fine tune campaigns to increase revenue
  • The various ways advertisers are changing the way they go-to-market due to COVID-19
  • Striking the balance of the right amount of campaign touches to reach your audience
  • What approach to take with an acquisition strategy vs. that of a CRM strategy
  • The optimal process to see higher campaign results and how that compares to a year ago
  • Steps to take when a campaign is under performing

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