Having trouble identifying who your best travel prospects are?

Challenged with knowing how and where to execute multichannel campaigns?

Not sure if your campaigns are actually driving conversions?

Welcome to the Claritas Travel Resource Page, where you can find answers to these questions, and more.

Vacation and travel is a $550+ billion-dollar industry. But the last few years have been a huge challenge. As consumers continue to return to their business travel and book their favorite vacation spots, how do you attract new prospects and grow your customer base? You need greater insight into travel customers’ specific needs and preferences as well as how they research and book their travel. You need the data.

The best place to start is with this valuable resource page, with information specifically selected for Travel marketers. 



eBooks and Infographics 


Videos & Podcasts


Case Studies




Additional Resource Landing Pages

For more key Claritas collateral, including podcasts, videos, fireside chats, ebooks, industry reports and more, click on the appropriate landing pages listed below.  

  • Identify - for more information on how Claritas can help you identify your best customers' lifestyles, preferences and behaviors so you can better target your customer and prospect messages.

  • Deliver - for more information on how Claritas can help you execute campaigns across multiple channels and reach your customers/prospects when and how they'll be the most receptive.

  • Optimize - for more information on how Claritas can help you accurately measure your campaign strategy across multiple online and offline channels, so you can make better business decisions.